联系人: 周女士
手机: +86-13713518903
E-mail: jojozhou@cable-top.com
地址: 东莞市常平镇桥梓村上沙头松柏坑路E05号
Skype: jojo.zhou2013
产品详细: |
CAB-SS-V35FC 思科线
Cisco Compatible V.35 Female DCE to Smart Serial Cable 类思科路由器线规格:
插头1: Smart Serial 26-PIN Male
插头2: V.35 DCE Female
导体: 28AWG Copper 长度: 3M 外被: 浅蓝色 PVC CAB-SS-V35FC Cisco思科路由器线适用于Cisco WAN 系列 HWIC-2T, HWIC-4T, HWIC-4A/S等对V35接口思科路由器进行类似T1或部分T1网络连接。思进欣电子也提供其他适用于3945,3925,2951等型号思科路由器的思科线加工生产,价格优惠。 We offer many Cisco compatible smart serial cables including the CAB-SS-V35FC shown here. These newer style cables work with Cisco router modules including the popular router models 3945, 3925, 2951, 2921, 1941, 2801, 2811, 2821, 3825, 3845, 3640, 2621, 1721 and many others. The 26-PIN Smart Serial cable is used to connect to Cisco WAN Interface Cards including HWIC-2T, HWIC-4T, HWIC-4A/S, WIC-2T and WIC-2A/S. At the opposite end of this cable is the V.35 female DCE interface. The V35 connector is commonly used to interface a Cisco network router with an external CSU/DSU such as Addtran for a T1 or fractional T1 Internet or private line connection. Our guarantee covers these compatible smart serial cables under normal use for the life of the cable. |
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